March 29 & 30 2025
at Earl Brown Park
Deland Outdoor Art Fest Facebook
Live Entertainment - Awards - Food - Fun
The 60th Annual
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Exhibit Info

Comfort Inn

(No Buy/Sell or Productions Allowed)

72 Judged spaces available
price per space is $185.00
(plus $15.00 application fee)
72 Crafter spaces available
price per space is $155.00
(plus $15.00 application fee)
Saturday: 9am to 5pm • Sunday: 10am to 4pm

Sign Up Online:

2025 Juried Online Application (Closed)

2025 Craft Online Application (Closed)

Pay Online:

2025 Juried App Online Payment

2025 Craft App Online Payment

By Mail:

2025 Juried Application Printable Version

2025 Rules for Juried and Craft Sections

2025 Youth Division Art Show Registration

Food Vendors please email Kelli Marks at for applications

Note: You will need the Free Adobe Acrobat to read these documents.

- This Year's Awards -

Best in Show
Award of Excellence
Award Distinction
2 Judges Awards @ $400.00
2 Merit Awards @ $300.00
8 Honorable Mention @ $170.00
Best Display - $100.00
10 Spectator Awards

DOAF has adopted the Atlanta/Maitland Scoring System.
Artists work will be judged on their Originality, Presentation & Execution.
Artwork no longer leaves the artists booth.

- This Year's Judges -

Jack Hill

Whether it's his roller-skating bananas, the pregnant pears, or his weeping onions, the humor and attention to the most minutiae of detail are the hallmarks of the unmistakable work of sculptor Jack Hill.

A true renaissance man, Mr. Hill spent more than two decades learning the arts of mime, magic, and ventriloquism, studying and performing with world-renown mime Marcel Marceau and then touring three continents with his own company. It was during that period that he taught himself the requisite skills to become a successful boat builder, sailing to and from the Bahamas in a hand-built boat of his own design. It was in the Bahamas while visiting a local foundry that he fell in love with the raborious process ofrost-wax scurpting.

Since that eventful encounter, in 1986, he has gone on to become one of the most recognizable and influential figures of Florida's art farr community. His work encompasses, and is clearly defined by his twenty-plus years spent in the performing arts. In that phase of his professrona1 life, he mastered the skills of manipulating and shaping three dimensional space, and defining and redefining form. Influenced by classical antiquity he now employs those same skillsets in the visual arts, and combines fruit, tools, and other objects with the human form to create humorous and playful three-dimensional designs that, in the end become beautiful, award-winning works of art.

Mr. Hill lives in Deland, FL, where he maintains his year-round studio and from which he pursues anactive art fair schedule. His mantra: "Historians tell us what happened. Artists tell us what could happen."

John Margerum

With more than 40 years and 400 awards under his belt, John Margerum recently retired from exhibiting and selling his work in high-end art fairs throughout the U.S. Known for his large high-fired vessels finished in his signature rutile glaze, and after having spent more than 20 years perfecting his formula and firing techniques, he returned in 2001 to his two-dimensional roots and became one of the first artists to pioneer, explore, and master the digital arts. Employing both Photoshop™ and ArtRage™, and using no photographs or scans in his work, he creates imagery using hands-on techniques that took hundreds of hours to invent and perfect. Throughout his entire career, many artists, and art fairs alike, have come to know John Margerum as a dedicated mentor, advocate, and friend.

Always eager to take on new and exciting challenges, he has spent time living abroad, including a stint as the caretaker of a large mansion in the English countryside. A ninth generation Quaker, he spent two years as a Friend-in-Residence at the Pendle Hill Quaker Center for Study and Contemplation near Philadelphia, PA, where part of his service was teaching pottery and painting, and where he was honored with a retrospective show in their public galleries.

An experienced juror in all media; Mr. Margerum looks for work "that is innovative and technically proficient -- work that exhibits a strong understanding of art principles, work that displays a clear, visual language."

He resides in Deland, FL., near the shores of beautiful Blue Lake, where he continues to explore and advance the state of the art

March 29th & 30th 2025
Saturday: 9am to 5pm
Sunday: 10am to 4pm

Earl Brown Park • Deland, FL